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Starting the album off hard is an instrumental lead in that lets you know what kind of adventure you’re on with this EP. Heavy drums and some sexy sloppy guitar riffs then open into a faster Dirty World suitable for a basement show or vintage Sony Walkman. While rough in feeling the quality in the production and both Stand the Dominos and Dirty World would ‘stand’ their own on any radio station. The vocals of Stephano match perfectly with the edgy dark metal melody while the guitars scream upping the tempo and rockin the fuk out.

              Narcissistic Christ slows it down a bit but brings a great message and like a well placed area rug really tie the EP together. The distortion in the beginning is a hint to the heavy lyrics scathing of modern ‘christians’ (small c intentional). Mantra has a familiar feel while bringing up issues of addiction and modern classist society while FC&Whores has a much more stadium anthem feel. Both have deep societal criticisms that have as much applicability to their native Italy as much as anywhere North America.

The age of socially responsible and politically charged punk and metal are back and building off those that set the foundations decades ago. Albums like LoFi-Demo EP (2022) are more important than ever to get the youth of today not only interested in issues that are impacting them but to those that influence their world on a macro level. Issues like addiction, Christian nationalism and the unaffordability of the 99% translate and span borders and languages alike. Music like this brings us together to stand against the status quo protecting the elite and sparks the fires of change. More albums should strive to have the same!


Justin M

AltYEG Music Magazine

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