Beacon Heights is an older neighborhood in the former town of Beverly and has a community league starting way back in 1965. For the last 3 years an end of summer festival called Beacon Heights Rocks has been happening, and happening loud! This year was no different bringing in some of the areas local musicians and artists as well as food trucks and more. This was my first year checking it out and I couldn’t have been more grateful.
Starting out at 2pm the show brough on stage a selection of fine musicians all with a connection to the community. C4th4ir warmed up the crowd followed by Stadium 11 and Reasonable Creatures. Hitting the best covers though The Strand really nailed the energy and had one of the best performing guitarists I’ve seen yet. Getting people into the mood and drawing them in they are obvious veterans on the stage and was the first to really get the crowd dancing. If the smell of the BBQ truck didn’t lure in guests the amazing sound quality and huge stage in the rinks would have. It was definitely a professional setup and for a lot of the bands it was their first time up and in front of a large live crowd. At dusk the lighting began to really start highlighting the action and provided a great opportunity for some awesome photos.
I was able to take a moment and grab a mixed cheese (curds and mozza) poutine from the Doppers truck. It was HUGE, literally barely able to close the lid on my takeout, thank god I didn’t order two (I was super hungry). While I didn’t partake myself both the mac and cheese from the BBQ truck and funnel cakes were a popular choice with the crowd and made the air smell soooo good. The large amount of garbage and recycle bins kept the grounds clean and inviting.
Speaking of great setups, the rink provided a safe enclosed area with its own washroom facilities and hand washing allowing people to stay and enjoy the amazing weather. Lawn chairs are a necessity unfortunately mine was at home so I rested on the benches in the rink, thankfully they also provided some needed shade.
As the night started creeping in and the sun set the lighting highlighted the talent when Gulo Gulo took the stage and I got some amazing shots. By the time The Issue came on the colors and vibe matched the energy projected by the band perfectly. A wicked end to an marvelous evening and day of music and community. While it was my first time checking this out it definitely wont be the last, I highly recommend coming next year so you can see for yourself how much Beacon Heights Rocks!