Middle of July by Waffelhouse EP Review
By Georgiag1900
Waffelhouse, the six piece band from Edmonton, Alberta, released their first EP this
June titled “Middle of June”. This five track collection, including two previous singles, is brought
to life by the two vocalists Madi and Caylie, guitarists Mark and Connor, the pianist Ryan, and
drummer Carter; all of which seamlessly float between instruments and the role of song writer.
Pokemon Cards, the opening single, hits off the EP with a not so subtle exploration of
nostalgia and loss. It tugs at the heart strings and brings a smile to the listener. It's a stylistic and
memorable track that fuels the excitement for the upcoming songs. The vocals are very notable
as they fill the bridge with a catchy harmony. With this being the first song released by the band,
and it being a single prior before being featured on the EP, it showcases the strengths of the
band members and tells the listener exactly what to expect from the band.
The next track, Sleeping Past Noon, shifts slightly away from the nostalgic, lo-fi feel of
the above and opts for an emotional and relatable hymn about the inevitability of love. There is
a fine-drawn sadness and anger in the lyrics, which is carried over into the sharp army of
instruments. Throughout the entire EP there is an overarching theme of the loss of love, growing
up and growing further away from our childhoods; all of which are evident in the gorgeous
chorus and bridge in Sleeping Past Noon.
If one song on the EP was to be the typical radio hit, I would not be surprised if it was
The Toothbrush Song (Everything Will Be Fine). It has that classical pop melody and is certainly
a crowd pleaser. It's the type of song where you can sing along to it, knowing full well the
sadness of the lyrics but carry on with a smile that the music causes. The drum and piano solos
really pull it together, and it's a fun, sing-along song that every anxious college kid can relate to.
Johnny and June is a bittersweet, heartbreaking ballad about being in love with the idea
of the person and not that actual person; a topic which tugs at the crowds heartstrings at all their
concerts. This acoustic track continues down through the sweet and savory vibes but falls into a
more haunting and mournful pattern. As with the rest of the tracks of this EP, Johnny and June
offer’s up beautiful vocals and a calming perspective.
With the final song on the EP, Pisces Moon, I like to believe that it is the follow up to
Johnny and June; with the prior being the story of a hopeless romantic heartbreak, and the
following being a hopeful romantic redemption tale. This track features some of the greatest
lyrics on the EP, and the way the instruments flow effortlessly inbetween the lyrics is truly a feat.
The writer somehow romanticizes the modern dating culture that nearly everyone has
experienced in this day and age. With this being the second single released by Waffelhouse
before being re-released on the EP, this love song is very impressive work from the emerging
Waffelhouse is a band I will be keeping an eye on and I’m so excited for any future
endeavors. They are going on tour this summer in Alberta and British Columbia, so please go
check them out!