Review by AmeliaMay
In a way, to me the most captivating and brave form of art is music. Cadence in the most
vulnerable yet intriguing way is to so many- dauntless.
For someone with a long and impressive music history, Jesse Crowley takes being a
songwriter and musician into something inspiring.
Most notably of his prior work to The First Humans, Jesse’s music took place through
musical theatre and performing across Canada. Writing guitar lines, Crowley started
performing electric guitar lines for Grindstone Theatre’s original Fringe show ThunderCATS!,
and Jason Kenney’s Hot Boy Summer.
His efforts in being a lifelong musician are now coming through to a series of single releases
in 2023, all following chill indie rock themes; already loved by many.
Part of what makes it so blissful to listen to is that the atmosphere Crowley’s first released
single is in a way- dreamy. Listening to The First Human’s new single, two influences that
play a part in the creation of it being Fleetwood Mac and Bon Iver have a soft presence, but
in a way that makes it unique to Jesse himself; unique in a way that is perfect.
The single itself is in my opinion, an amazing representation of Jesse Crowley’s work and
efforts in music. Even listening to just his upcoming release “Stunned”, it’s easy for me to say
that this is someone with pure talent that needs to be represented in the Canadian music
Jesse Crowley’s first single “Stunned” sure should be an inspiration for beginner artists in the
Indie rock scene, proving that even if your mind can be your enemy at times, it can also be
a creator of something amazing.
The coming of age tale truly portrays a milestone- a breakthrough, of Crowley’s work. Talking
to Jesse one-on-one, you can tell the music he creates comes from a genuine love of music
throughout his life. .
I want to say that when you do get the chance to listen to the new singles or see an
upcoming East Coast show, that you appreciate work from local musicians. Appreciating
artists like Jesse Crowley can contribute to making the Edmonton music scene better,
without you even realising it.